FIRST COMMANDAR CYCLOPES!!! This si FIRST COMMANDAR CYCLOPES JR!!! He has teh EVAL EYE but he doesnt ues it because he= TEH GOOD GUY!!! When he is mad, he turns GREEN and goes GRRRAAAAEWWWWRRRRR!!!!! ======================================= LT. HITCHHAKER!!!! This jolley old fart was found in Twelve Farward (teh Entarprise K has a BETTAR BAR than teh Entarprise E and Whuppy Goldburg cant APPLY HEAR!!!) Anyway, he was = drinking away all teh BOOZE!!! So he had to be stopped!!! Capten Weslay asked him if he wold stop drinking teh booze and we took this pictare!!! He said he would stop if he could be part of our TRAK TO TEH STARS!!! DIPLAMACY WINZ AGAIN!!!
======================================= TEH TOKAN VULCAN!!!! He may = teh TOKAN Vulcan but this is no ORDANARY VULCAN! This oen is a RETARD! His IQ is = 48!!!! But since Capten Weslay Crushar in teh 28th centary is an EQUAL OPPARTUNITY EMPLOYAR, he offared young Stivik teh job of Sciance Officar!!! Cadat Stivik is larning all about quazars, blak holes and tying his shoes.